Community Poll – September 14, 2023
Can Canada do more to fuel prosperity?
More than half of Canadians are $200 or less away from being unable to pay bills.That’s a staggering statistic. And evidence that our economy is in trouble.But Canada can rebound. And we’ve been prosperous in the past—in part due to our natural resources and energy sector.
Here are some quick facts:
- Canada is the 6th largest producer of energy in the world.
- In 2021, Canada’s energy sector directly employed more than 264,000 people and indirectly supported more than 369,000 jobs.
- Canada’s energy sector accounted for approximately 9.7% of nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021.
- Energy exports worth $154.3 billion were sent to 142 countries, with the United States accounting for 91%.
We have a lot more potential within our grasp.
The cost of living and unaffordability are major issues for many in Canada. The Bank of Canada’s announcement on September 6th that it would hold the interest rate at 5% was a relief to many, but is it enough?
Some believe Canada is on the edge of a recession, and the current housing crisis, increased mortgage rates, and inflation are making a tough situation even worse.With this context, we want to know what you think about the state of Canadian prosperity, and the role energy has to play in supporting our country’s economic and social success.
We wanted to know what our community thinks.
Here are the questions we asked, and the results:
Question 1
Do you think Canada is living up to its potential in terms of economic and social prosperity right now?
Yes, we’re living up to our potential.
No, we could be doing more to support economic and social prosperity.
I’m not sure. I need more info.
Other (tell us what you think).
Question 2
Should the government prioritize support for the energy industry by accelerating regulation and removing roadblocks in order to generate greater prosperity for the country?
Yes, I think the government should prioritize support for the energy industry to drive Canadian prosperity.
No, I do not think the energy industry should be prioritized.
I’m not sure. I need more info.
Other (tell us what you think).