Research & Insights
Sound Energy Policy Index (SEPI)
January 2024
According to Canada Powered by Women’s Sound Energy Policy Index (SEPI), current energy policies in our country are getting a failing grade.
The Sound Energy Policy Index (SEPI) is a tool that consolidates various metrics from Canada Powered by Women’s spring 2024 national research, conducted by Leger, into a single, comprehensive score that reflects engaged women’s perceptions of energy policies in Canada.
With a score of just 45 out of a possible 100, Canadian energy policy is falling short of engaged women’s expectations.
This represents an opportunity for policymakers to thoroughly consider the underrepresented voice of engaged women in the energy transformation conversation, and the importance of Canada Powered by Women’s mission to amplify the voices of engaged women. It is time for our voices to be heard.
How is the SEPI calculated?
Six perception measures stood out in Canada Powered by Women’s spring 2024 research as key indicators of influence regarding engaged women’s perception of whether energy policy in Canada today is sound. These measures were then compiled and weighted to produce the final score.
1. Support and trust
I believe that government decisions regarding energy policy are made with consideration, including their impact on individuals and the wider community.
2. Relevance
The decisions governments make about energy policy are right for me and my family.
3. Trade-offs
Our current energy policies effectively balance the cost of living and financial well-being, support for environmental efforts and the social safety net, while also ensuring the dependability of our energy supply.
4. Inclusivity and representation
My views and opinions are well reflected in Canada’s energy policies.
5. Connection and understanding
Canada’s current variety and balance of energy sources will help with the environment.
6. Affordability
How affordable the cost of energy used day-to-day is (e.g. fuel, electricity, etc.)

The SEPI provides important insight into how energy policies are being perceived and experienced by a key segment of the Canadian population — engaged women: women with purchasing power who are making pragmatic decisions daily for their families and households.
Listening to these important voices on energy issues will help policymakers create a better, more balanced energy future for all Canadians.
The SEPI will be updated on an annual basis in alignment with Canada Powered by Women’s ongoing national research.
The Sound Energy Policy Index (SEPI) measures how women experience and view energy policies. It looks at whether policies balance their top three priorities: economic prosperity, energy security — which is affordable and reliable energy and secure access — and the environment. It also tracks how energy policies affect women’s finances, homes, and daily lives.
The Sound Energy Policy Index (SEPI) is derived from survey data from research conducted by Leger using the Leger Opinion (LEO) panel, from April 25 to May 1, 2024, among 1,056 women in Canada. The women who qualified identified as someone who reads/listens to local, national or U.S. news and is familiar with federal, provincial and municipal politics, is somewhat left/in the middle/on the right, and is neutral or in agreement with statements related to having an interest in influencing government, helping with issues facing Canadians, being informed about the economy, learning about the future, prosperity and wanting secure energy resources.